Magic Minute

December has rolled around and it’s looking to be a pretty quiet month for Magic releases. This December 8th I have a special event for FNM Draft. It’s a chaos draft titled “Dino-sized draft”, you’ll each have 4 packs from random sets to draft with. Chaos drafts are super unpredictable and generally tend to be pretty fun, so I’d check it out! Other than that we’ll still have all the recent products from the last couple of releases for Magic.

Lord of the Rings Holiday displays are a great gift this season as well as bundles and the new Ixalan commander decks. The Ixalan Store Championship will also be held on December 9th. The format for the tournament is standard and it will begin at 1:00, so be ready! Other than that we have a pretty relaxed holiday season, have a great holiday and I hope to see you all next year.


Pair A Dice Games Corner


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