Magic Minute

Universes Beyond: Fallout releases this March on Friday the 8th. This all new Fallout themed commander set features four new decks and dozens of new cards as well as many reprints with new fallout themed art.

The four decks are Mutant Menace, a Sultai counters, and a proliferate deck.

Scrappy Survivors, a Naya tokens-themed deck that also utilizes a new token type: “Junk”. Hail Caesar is a Mardu which is creature token-focused and utilizes the return of the “Squad” mechanic. The last deck “Science!” is a Jeskai deck that focuses on energy counters and artifacts. In addition to decks, there will also be Collector Boosters for the set, which are the only way to get the new cards in foil as well as some extra reprints with PIP Boy-themed art.

This month I also have my Store Championship event that will be happening on Saturday, March 2nd at 1:00 pm. The format for this event and the foreseeable store championships will be standard. Standard events that we hold on Saturday have had an exceptional showing recently, and I’m excited to see how they’ll evolve once rotation happens later this year.
That’s all for this month!


Welcome March


Pair A Dice Games Corner