December 31, 2024
Happy New Year from Pair A Dice Games
The year 2024 has come and gone. As we move forward into 2025, we are looking to bring you more and better events! If you want to run an event for a game we don't host, drop by and talk to us.
The first weekend of January, from the third to the fifth, we will be at EsCon! EsCon is a biannual boardgame convention and we are proud to be the premier sponsor for the event. Come on out and play some games with us!
January 19th, we will be hosting an Altered draft. This will be the last draft we run for the initial release, with the next set Trial by Frost, dropping in early February.
January 25th, we are running two events. We have A Song of Ice & Fire Miniatures Game Tournament, Winter's Dominion. This will be a three-round tournament with some awesome prizes.
January 25th will also be the return of our Mighty Monthly Marvel Meetup. It took a break for the holidays but is returning strong in the new year.
That is all we have for this month. February is already shaping up to be packed with events. You can stay updated with our events via social media channels, and via our website. See you next month!